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The workshop

Our client had an inspiring vision to create not just a coworking space, but a community of creative professionals who work independently. We jumped at the opportunity to be involved with nearly every aspect of designing an empathetic user experience. By approaching the project from a total design perspective we helped the owners think through everything from The Workshop’s price structure, to its furniture, to how members will get into the building  (a cool app), to the art collection (yes, a REAL art collection!), to what beer and wine is on tap (rotates regularly).

what we did:


  • Graphic Identity

  • Marketing strategy and campaign

  • Website Design and Development

  • Social Media Accounts and Strategy


  • Third-party software platform
    evaluation and integration

  • Analytics Tool Setup

  • Basic Search Engine Optimization

The Icing on the Cake

  • Interior Design

  • Launch Event Planning

  • Hospitality plan

our very favorite:

Brooke designed an Alexander Girard-inspired wall piece that doubles as an acoustic panel. 

It was an inexpensive solution to an echoey conference room and now it's become the most talked-about Zoom background in Columbus.

The Workshop Echo Bravo.png
The Workshop Echo Bravo.png
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